Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Was A Farmer Again Today

It was pretty dang nice out today, and we made the most of it. I finished putting the new closing wheels on the Monosem, Dad and I delivered seed corn to Grandpa, Dad finished fixing his air compressor so we put it where it belongs (to find out it has a leak - always something, as Grandpa would say), put the tanks on Dad's tractor, and worked some more on the confounded seat in the 8120. I do believe we have once and for all found the air leak, but I've said that before. I may say it again.

I was walking out the door of Dad's shop to head home and I felt something I feel once in awhile - I belong. Sometimes I feel like I'm just acting out this way of life, that I have no business being here and should pack it up and find a mundane job in town. Then there are moments where you're getting ready to go home for the day, your jeans are dirty, the sun is causing the grass to look a little greener than it has the past few days, you hang an arm out the window of your pickup on the way home. You pull up in front of the garage, grab a beer, baseball bat, and a tennis ball, release the dogs from jail, proceed to hit them some grounders and pop-ups, and realize this is it. I am where God knew I needed to be. There were a few detours on the way back, but that's alright. Radney Foster once wrote in a song "Half of the good things in my life came from half my mistakes." I get that. I live that. It's going to keep happening. If this was a mistake, it's one of the best I've made.

1 comment:

  1. Lines that belong in poems or songs:

    I am where God knew I needed to be.
    If this was a mistake, it's one of the best I've made.
    I get that. I live that. It's going to keep happening.
